Thursday, May 22, 2008

Baz's Bday Bash

Went back to Ipoh last week to celebrate my bro's birthday early. The celebration called for the good ol' home-cooked meal, with the menu partially picked by the birthday boy himself; mixed grill, durian cake and 'tang yuen' (don't ask me why, but my bro really likes 'tang yuen'), with other dishes such as homemade pizza, salad, pasta and of course, red eggs included in the menu. As usual, such a banquet was prepared by the best cook in the Yung family, meh mum! XD

Just a short post with a few pics.

The dishes for the bash...everything looks good eh?

Meh family members, posing with the homemade durian butter cake

The kitty I 'adopted' from the streets, Jac (my sis named her, don't ask me) posing for a photograph

Another pic of naughty Jac...who doesn't seem to be afraid of people. Ever seen a cat on a leash coz it can't behave?

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