Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cosfest Pt. 1

Whew!! It's been a busy weekend, and I've got lots to tell! Went down to Singapore for Cosfest 2008, and boy! It was a totally new experience for me. It's perhaps the first time in...I dunno, 5 years...to visit Singapore. And I went without my family members too...which was another refreshing experience. Stayed with Gwen, who had been very kind to host me throughout my stay and take care of all my needs.

Cosfest was different from any conventions which I've attended in Malaysia...probably because the cosplayers in Singapore have a great deal more liberty. I mean, M'sian cosplayers have a lot of restrictions..especially concerning how much skin we show. But in S'pore..wow, those cosplayers really don't mind showing some cleavage if it's necessary (there really was one cosplayer who did that..since her character does that often, I suppose it's in character). Basically, on the first day, I was helping Teri with her costume and played PA (personal assistant). Helped carry her stuff and followed her around for her photoshoots and stuff...fixing her hair and costume when necessary. Lol, I feel like those 'noonas' who followed Suju and DBSK around XD. But it was really cool coz I get to see Teri in this:

Yup...that's Teri in a dress...but seriously she looks hot in this...what with blond hair and all. For your information, she's cosplaying Konishi from a game called Subarashiki Sekai. Here are some other pics from Day 1.

Group photo of the Subarashiki gang from left: Beat, Joshua, Shiki, Neku and Rhyme

Joshua (masako) and Rhyme(michy), I think

Neku (sizer) posing emo

Dr. Frankenstein from Soul Eater

Meh fave DGM bishi, Lavi! Very bishi ne?

That's all I can post for now...need to rush for class...will post the other pics once I get them from Teri. All pics are credited to SG cafe and copyright of all respectful photographers. Please do not take it out of my blog and use it, coz it's not mine to give. Thankies~

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