Friday, March 28, 2008

Long week....

It's been a long week...Got sick..coughed like mad and lost my voice too. Saw the doctor yesterday, so now taking meds. 早く元気なりたい!

Rushed for an assignment a result, slept at 5 am. I've been pushing these time limits farther and farther, which isn't a good sign really. Wanted to start researching for another assignment, but gave up after trying to look for journals...I really hate looking for info...

On a happier note, I've been watching anime again, after a long-ish hiatus. Fell back to Wallflower (Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge), watching a new series Spice and Wolf...and trying to catch Shounen Onmyouji which I've been wanting to watch. Hitman Reborn is on my list as well....

Tomorrow is the research colloqium..ああ~行きたくないよ~

PS: I took test thingy? Got it from Regina's blog. I'm pretty impressed, it's quite accurate...about a lot of things. Try it here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please drink a lot of water.. healthy meals are still important, and don't forget your medicine ah~

Regina (^^)~