Sunday, June 15, 2008

Renewed and Refreshed

The weekend has given me a change of pace...which was crucial for me to just get away from everything for a while....and indeed I had to. Went back to my uncle's place and discovered that his internet connection died, so a way, I was cut off from...stuff. So what did I do in an 'Internet-less' condition? I went back to meh good ol' drama. My uncle has some interesting series...CSI Hong Kong version...but I must say I prefer CSI. More sophisticated ma...

Then of course, I tried to study for a lot, but nothing in the brain. I think have to utilise the art of crapification again. Just hope got stuff to crap about ><

And then came Sunday....which I have been looking forward to. For the previous week, I've been under a lot of pressure (from what, I dunno la...) Felt like an emotional dump....that's why so emo la....but went to church and cell again... Once again, the Lord has opened His arms to me, to welcome His child home. In His presence, I felt Him reach inside me, as though to touch my burdened heart, and I felt Him silently urging me to surrender all my misgivings, all my pain to Him. And as the tears flowed down my cheeks, I felt Him healing my battered confidence, lifting my physical fatigue...and most of all, renewing my spirit and my thirst for His presence. Here, in the House of God, all the moments of darkness which I have gone through for the past week just disappeared, and now the clouds have cleared.

And I know that He had sent people into my life...friends who cared for me and are truly concerned about me, family members who are supportive....cell members who would always welcome me with open arms whenever I come back. He sent these people into my life to make a change, to make an impact on my life, to catch me when I stumble in my walk with Him. And there are those whom He sent to challenge me, but God does not give man a challenge he cannot overcome. The same time He challenges us, He provides us with the tools and the abilities needed to overcome the challenge. Don't you think it's amazing?

I really thank You, Lord, that you have placed these guardians in my life, to help me when I'm weak, to share my joy and my sadness, Father Lord, that You have known my moment of weakness, Lord, and You sent them to show that they love me, that You, Father Lord, above anyone else, love me. Lord, I pray that I will be used in the same manner, to show other people that there are those who care for them. Lord, I pray that I do not love with my own capacity but to love with Your capacity, because Your love can truly exceed boundaries. Lord, use me to work in other people's lives so that they too, can experience Your amazing love. Amen.

PS: Another note...EMERGE '08 is coming peeps! It's Aug 29-31. It's gonna be a fun-filled event, with competitions, performances and people are really gonna have a great time, as well as powerful sessions that will impact your life. Best of all, EMERGE '08 is OPEN TO ALL, so people, make sure you come along. In fact, you can participate in the competitions if you're interested. We have loads of events waiting for you, so come check us out at! Contact me if you're interested in going~~

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